Sample promotion events

You can get stickers or vinyls transfers for different parts of your car, or if you want a temporary solution, magnetic door or 3D roof signage.

For example, turn existing blog posts into promo videos, turn videos into infographics and repurpose video interviews into blog posts. Also go back to older content to refresh it, add new ideas and up-to-date information.

Create targeted landing pages specific to the call to action that has been clicked so you can focus on the specific information that motivated the website visitor. For example, if an individual clicked specifically through to information about the event location, they want to know how easy it is to get to, and perhaps local accommodation options.

If someone clicked through for more information about the content, they want detailed information about whether it is suitable for their level of expertise and what they will get out of it. Create the ultimate playlist, inspired by your event, and share it on Spotify, Amazon Music or other streaming services.

Make use of the description box and get your attendees to start following the list. If you have artists performing at your event they can also promote your event and share the ticketing link from certain platforms.

Set up an interview for the event founder to share their story and the story of the event on a respected source that your target audience demographic reads. The more inspirational the journey the greater the interest and this good be a great boost for ticket sales.

If time is shorter find opportunities through the journorequest hashtag on Twitter to submit a short quote in your area of expertise and list the event name instead of the organization name. Show your expertise by joining the professionals involved in your event together and writing an insightful eBook as a prelude to the event.

This could be personal and include stories or it can specifically solve a problem but, either way, use it builds a connection with attendees. The internet has a wealth of potential when it comes to event promotion but it can sometimes be tricky to figure out how to promote an event online.

What will give the best results and where should you focus your efforts, particularly if you are working with limited time? Online promotion is more than knowing how to promote an event on social media though that certainly can help!

If you have a long lead time before the event, work on improving your SEO and answer long tail target questions your ideal audience ask and make sure the search results offers a clear answer for them.

Make sure you highlight your event and give a clear call to action to book tickets. Create an online community where people can connect before the event. Facebook or LinkedIn Groups are ideal for that.

Try to create a vibrant place and reasons for like minded individuals to come together and feel at home. Whether it is providing a sense of belonging or bringing together minds that could potentially explore business opportunities together creating a digital meeting space you can offer positive reflections back to your event.

Brownie points if you can get your speakers to stop by add a little something — start a discussion, make a comment, share some wisdom. Encourage teaser videos from each of the speakers talking about what they will discuss, request guest blog posts or interview those presenting.

If they have books published promote a book signing or meet and greet at the event. Create a list of event attendees and upload to Facebook to help find and target lookalike audiences that may also be interested in attending your event.

Facebook identifies people with similar or common qualities to increase the chances of a match. Invest a little budget in reaching these people via social media ads and it could pay off.

Aim for a list of 1k people as a minimum to increase the accuracy. Build the hype and have influencers, entertainment or industry professionals that are involved in your event to interact with attendees before you arrive.

Not only does this attract those that signed up to get more information, it can get the event trending and intrigues others to check out the hashtag and your event information.

Go Live on Facebook from your site walk through. Do the same thing on Live for the host city or area too. Make sure you can tag the location of your event related posts so that they are easily searchable and potential attendees know exactly whether the location is suitable for them straight away without having to look.

Email marketing campaigns can be effective, you just have to learn how to stand out. Make sure you have a killer email list that you keep up to date, and improve your email subject line as well as the email content offering within to improve open rates. Mass mailings are the biggest turn off, so always ensure that the content is personalized and uses first names.

A strong strategy is to understand the pain points of your audience and to create and share humorous insights into the worklife of your attendees. Remarket to those that have visited your event website but never checked out. Set up remarketing campaigns with strong call to actions to offer a reminder to book their place.

For snapchat or Facebook, create an event specific filter that people can use for pictures. Not only does it let them know about the event, it captures on the screen for their networks to see too!

You and your sponsors have website traffic, so use it! Create custom clickable ads and banners to promote the event from multiple sources and drive traffic through to your registration page. Use tagged URLs so you know which traffic sources have been most effective for driving interest.

For the duration of your event promotion, change your branding and information to new colors and pictures. This could be something like a new header or profile photo across your channels, or it could be an entire color shift across your brand. How many people do you converse with via email per day?!

They are all potential employees, customers or sharers of your event so put a non-intrusive mention and link for your event into your signature and let it do some passive promotion for you. Research the keywords that are most synonymous with your event and most valuable to you and utilize them in specifically created online content.

It makes you easily searchable by improving your SEO. Follow everyone who registers for the event. You should be asking for social media profiles during registration. Create a list on Twitter and share content from your attendees periodically and interact and respond to their content too.

They will appreciate it and it will make them more loyal to the event if they feel valued. Create a social media content which maximizes social sharing and interaction. For instance run a caption competition and let people know that the post with the most activity will have the opportunity to win a tempting prize ideally donated by one or several of your sponsors.

If you are in the B2B arena, let people know the type of people that have already registered for your event. Check on the registration form if they give permission for their name, job title and organization to be listed publicly.

Those considering attending will be fired up to buy a ticket when they see people they want to connect with. Make the image pop and have it link back to your event page or mini site.

We know that marketing efforts today automatically turn to the Internet when it comes to promoting your event, however offline event promotions can still be effective.

Balloons are always fun and when attendees start to walk around with them, they become walking advertising! Plus, kids and adults are always wanting to find out where they get one so they will come and seek you out to get one for themself.

Your event staff should be your biggest fans so ask them to carry event swag with them wherever they go. Printed media can still be an effective way to reach certain audiences and communities.

Explore opportunities to have inserts at a similar event your target audience enjoy and put leaflets in strategic places, such as the event venue, tourist information centers and transport hubs. Brainstorm some ideas for promotion in the lead up to the event and even on the day, encourage a mobile broadcast unit to make it to your live event.

The possibilities are endless here and you can create flash mobs that are all singing and dancing or something that is particularly event specific like special entertainers or an immersive role play experience in public.

Think about the timing and location carefully for maximum promotional impact in the lead up to the event. Sometimes, the act of receiving a physical invitation can make more of a powerful statement than an email or digital option.

You may not have the budget for fancy printing but if not, taking the time to hand write them could be the personal touch attendees need to sign up!

Temporary and completely diverse, chalk is an excellent idea for sidewalk signage to highlight your event. An alternative to the chalk idea is to reverse clean something.

For example, create a stencil and use a power washer to wash away street grime within your stencil area. The image lasts longer and technically is just clean vs dirt. Direct mail can still work and be worth exploring.

Publications and flyers that are sent in the post just have to reach a higher standard now in terms of the copy and the effect they offer. At least there is less competition nowadays as many companies have dropped snail mail marketing completely now to save money.

This is such a fun and creative idea that definitely gets people talking about it. Yarn bombing works best in smaller areas like the city centre or within a city block so pick somewhere that is going to make the biggest impact.

Many shops will allow you a free poster or ad placement inside their store which can be particularly beneficial for local events. For a truly community feel encourage shops to create their own promotion in keeping with the event theme and make it into a window spotting competition to drive residents to the town center.

Offer short, minute taster sessions, highlighting some of what people can expect from the event. This gives people enough reassurance and leaves them hungry for more and might just be the push people need to commit to attending.

Use a wall outside the venue and work with your AV partner to project your advert or promotion on to it and let passers-by know what is coming up.

Turn an existing statue, feature or landmark within the local area into an installation that relates to your event. You could dress them up into a themed character or simply decorate trees and fountains to suit your narrative.

Use your creativity and keep it tasteful. You know the ones; old-school button badges, stickers, magnets, pens etc. Work with your local businesses and your visitor bureau to create a not so secret tour around the city, concluding with your event. Those who sign up to the tour get free entry and you can include other stops along the way.

Have your staff do some funky sign twirling to music on the sidewalk or dance their way up the street with their own sandwich signage to get attention! Make your event synonymous with fun and excitement by having an adult play area complete with blow up ball pit and inflatables. Oversized objects are always fun and you could create them yourself with a little imagination.

While the budget may not stretch to a giant fabricated prop you could create a cardboard house with event signage and allow people to color it in, draw or write messages on it. It could also make an appearance at the event itself if it gets a lot of interactions. No matter where you go, take event specific business cards with you.

This goes for your personal business cards too. Before you start testing out these event promotion ideas, we have created a quick and easy cheat-sheet to help you to get more from your promotional strategy.

Whatever channels you use to post content marketing assets can be used as a way to promote your event. Another great way to get the word out about your event is to have event-specific branding. Make your event a brand in and of itself. This is the way that HubSpot promotes the INBOUND event.

INBOUND is a separate brand from HubSpot. It's not just an event for our customers. It's an event for any marketer, sales, or service professional who wants to learn more and educate themselves. To do this, separate the event brand from your company brand.

Have a different website, different colors, different messaging, etc. This will help attract people who don't know about your company and are just coming across the event. Of course, email marketing is a major way to reach your current audience. You should promote your event via email to different segmented audiences.

This will help let everyone who knows about your company know about the event. Plus, you can offer email subscriber discounts to incentivize current fans of your company to attend. One of my favorite event promotion strategies to follow as a consumer is to watch behind-the-scenes posts.

I love a good BTS Instagram story or post showing how a company is preparing for an event. Leading up to your event, post about it on social media. Post about the people you have coming to your event, or any cool decor items. This will get your followers excited about the event and could persuade them to buy a ticket.

We all know that social media is where people spend a lot of their time. If they've come across your company or other event promotion, social media retargeting ads are a great way to stay top of mind.

You want people to come across your brand continuously and to remind them about the event. Even if someone thinks an event is a good idea, they might not buy a ticket right away. Retargeting is a great way to get those customers at a later date.

While you're promoting your event, a great way to talk to attendees or people who are thinking about registering is through an event hashtag. This will help you track mentions and stay in the conversation with people who want to attend your event. This could also help get you trending and increase the number of people who are aware of and see your events.

During the event, again, this is a place for people to ask questions and for you to interact with attendees. Collaboration is one of the best ways to promote your event.

Consider having event sponsors that will want to promote the event for you. You can also have brand partnerships where you work with other companies who will tell their audience about your event. Additionally, promote the heck out of your keynote speakers or any influencers that you're working with.

This is a great way to tap into their audiences to get the word out about your event even more. It's important to take advantage of other people's following so people outside of your audience hear about your events.

If you've run social media contests before and have had success, a social media contest or giveaway might be a good way to get the word out about your event. You can host a contest where the winner will get tickets. Maybe they have to like your posts or comment and tag some friends.

Either way, social media contests will help you garner awareness. Continue to engage your attendees with event follow-up content. And give people who did not join a closer look at what went on, to convince them to do so next time. Take a look at the after-event social media examples below for more best practices.

Summarize your event in one post with a video or photo compilation of the highlights. This is also a great way to promote the recording of your event if available for those who were not able to attend, as seen in the Twitter example below.

Check out the EventRecap in case you missed the main event! After the event, hand the mic over to your attendees and let them explain why they enjoyed your event in their own words. Hearing about the benefits from other attendees is always more relatable and convincing for potential future attendees.

Continue to engage your attendees after the event on social media by asking them about their experience. People love to share their opinion, and at the same time you can action the feedback to improve your next event.

You can ask open questions for more in-depth feedback, or use social media polls to gather quick input, such as in this convention post example. Events cannot take place without the support of sponsors, partners, speakers, staff, and the attendees themselves. See some post-event thank you examples below.

A post shared by DMEXCO dmexco. Another way to reuse and recycle the content of your event is by publishing blog posts around the key takeaways. These allow you to go into more detail about the event. You can then share these articles as a link on social media, such as in the following after-event social media post examples.

In the first example, the conference organizer summarized a single talk into a blog post. While in the second, they rounded up the main event highlights into a LinkedIn article, including an overview of the number of guests, the biggest event moments and key quotes from the presentations.

Do you need to create a lot of content to promote your event s on social media? Skip having to wait on a designer, or navigating clunky PSD or Canva templates. Create high-quality, branded images and videos yourself, in a few clicks, with our custom templates.

Each template is designed and built just for you, which makes your content creation process super-efficient and your content always on-brand. Join clients such as Lidl, PwC, SEPHORA, Eurosport and Transfermarkt , who use our content creation platform to simplify their social media processes, lock in brand consistency, and level up their content.

Discover how they do it. Simplify, scale up, and professionalize your visual content creation process with Content Stadium. All rights reserved.

Privacy policy Terms. Get inspired by various examples to promote your next conference, fair, trade show or other event on social media.

Gina Chamaa. Last updated on. October 25, Last updated on October 25, Pre-event social media post examples Event promotion posts: The basics When promoting your event on social media, there are basic elements that we recommend to always feature in your posts.

These include: Name of the event Location Date and time Information on what the event is about, and who it is for Instructions on how to join link to more information, details on how to buy tickets, etc.

An attractive and clear visual to capture attention image, video, carousel, etc. Your event or company logo, and any additional branding A unique event hashtag to group event posts together, and allow people to easily find more information Featuring these basic elements in your event social media posts will help you grab the attention of the most relevant attendees for your event, as well as helping them quickly get the information they need — avoiding any friction, frustrations or missed opportunities to catch the eye of your target audience.

View this post on Instagram. LinkedIn event link post example. LinkedIn standard link post example. Discover our content creation platform for communications, content and social media teams. kyliecosmetics the most perfect night celebrating kyliecosmetics at Ulta Beauty 💖 thank you to everyone who made the night so special!

SunWestMortgage June 30, See other articles:. Social recruiting: statistics and trends. August 31, July 3, June 15, Our platform. CREATE LIVE SHARE MEDIA HUB All features. Use cases. About us. Contact Clients. Follow us. Linkedin Instagram.

These 15 sales promotion examples offer super-effective ideas to increase sales, raise brand awareness and encourage repeat business! 6 event promotion examples to increase registrations · 1. Leverage gamification to increase attendance · 2. Host exclusive events for registered Get inspired by various examples to promote your next event on social media, including pre-event, during the event and after-event posts

Sample promotion events - 13 Event Promotion Ideas · Optimize your event registration website · Offer early bird discounts · Leverage social media · Use ad These 15 sales promotion examples offer super-effective ideas to increase sales, raise brand awareness and encourage repeat business! 6 event promotion examples to increase registrations · 1. Leverage gamification to increase attendance · 2. Host exclusive events for registered Get inspired by various examples to promote your next event on social media, including pre-event, during the event and after-event posts

These assets will make promotion of future events much easier and more effective. Cross-promotion is a mutually beneficial way to help you market your event, and help promote the people involved at the same time.

Be sure to mention or tag the brands or individuals in your posts so they receive notifications to repost and create a smoother process for them to be involved in. How This Helps You Market Your Brand: Reach a wider audience of potential registrants for your event by having everyone involved share posts about the event.

You can even set up individual links for each organization, speaker, etc. involved in the event to track more granular metrics of who brings in the most ticket sales or engagement. Who better to promote your events than those who have experienced it for themselves? Your attendees will feel special when you ask them to be ambassadors for your event!

Ensure that all of your guests enjoy themselves, then you can leverage the group of attendees in front of you by asking them to share about their experience on social media and with their colleagues. How This Helps You Market Your Brand: Similar to cross-promotion or hiring an influencer, having your attendees act as ambassadors for your brand will help broaden your reach organically and make people want to attend your future events.

This is one of the best pre-event marketing ideas — sharing recaps of past events to promote future ones ahead of time.

This gets even easier when you are able to hire a professional photo or video team to handle this for you. How This Helps You Market Your Brand: You can still capitalize on the FOMO fear of missing out post-event, by creating hype in advance for your next event. Social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok have useful demographic information technology to help you target your desired audiences.

Based on the demographics, location, and interests of your target customers, you can create and run targeted ads for your event marketing campaign on social media to help you reach those groups. This data can also inform your initial strategy for your event marketing plan, so be sure to tap into this resource early in the planning process.

How This Helps You Market Your Brand: Using targeted marketing through social media advertising is a great way to find your audience, grow your following, and promote your events in the process.

Use as many social media platforms as possible to reach the widest audience you possibly can. FOMO, or fear of missing out, is a major factor in swaying potential attendees that may be on the fence about coming to your event.

How This Helps You Market Your Brand: Making use of the powerful force that is FOMO will help generate buzz and drive ticket sales. Want to share information, ideas, product demonstrations, or training at your next event?

These educational event marketing examples can inspire your marketing team! You could include demonstrations, training materials, and other presentations to educate the group.

These can be done either in-person or virtually, but in-person may be more effective for the bonding aspect of this type of event. How This Helps You Market Your Brand: Entertain and engage your potential customers by inviting them to a session to learn about your company, product, or industry while bonding over a meal shared together.

Invite other business leaders to meet with you to share ideas, discuss topics that interest everyone invited, and share how your businesses might be able to mutually benefit one another. This is an amazing opportunity to form new partnerships! How This Helps You Market Your Brand: This is a great way for your company to connect with other businesses in the same industry, form relationships, and showcase how you may be of use to related businesses.

Webinars are a great and less expensive way to host an event focused on your brand, as they do not require an expensive in-person venue and all the logistics that come with planning an in-person event. They are also quite flexible and scalable and can be used for a variety of session types.

A deminar is similar to a webinar, but specifically for product demonstrations. Again, being done virtually is a great way to save time and money as online events are generally far less expensive to host. How This Helps You Market Your Brand: Giving your customers a dedicated demonstration and learning session will make them feel like your company cares about their clients, can help build brand loyalty, and also help them use your products as intended.

Another great educational event type are workshops. These can be either in-person or online, but typically involve some training, demonstrations, and hands-on learning all in one session. These can be standalone events or a mini-event within a larger conference or industry event.

How This Helps You Market Your Brand: Workshops are a great way to market your brand while also helping attendees increase their skill level and learn about your products directly from you!

That wraps up our list of 44 great event marketing examples and ideas for every type of event! file types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx. Request a Proposal. X Close. Learn More. Blog , Industry Insights.

Creative event marketing ideas 9. Auction or raffle. Special guest events. Guerrilla marketing. Product launch events. Donate tickets. Recruiting events.

Team building events. Partner with another organization. Create events within your event. In-person event marketing examples User conferences.

Pop-up shops. Mixers and networking events. Community events. Race, swim, walk, ride, 5k. Experiential activations. Internal company meetings. Trade shows. Fundraising galas. Holiday parties. Limited-time offers. Virtual event marketing ideas 8.

Use event discovery websites. Improve your email marketing. Try ad retargeting. Word-of-mouth marketing.

Craft an event website that will convert. Virtual summits. Social media event marketing strategies Partner with a sponsor. Hire a brand ambassador or influencer. Hire a professional photographer or videographer. Make use of cross-promotion.

Make attendees into ambassadors. Share recaps of the event. Encourage sharing. Find your audience on social media. Promote on all platforms. Use FOMO to your advantage. Best event marketing ideas that are educational 5. Lunch and learns. Industry roundtable. Related Posts. From Brand Management to Brain Management.

From Metrics to Culture: A Deep Dive into AdWeek NYC. Sustainability as a Practice: Elevating Meetings to Green Events. Facebook-f Linkedin-in Instagram Youtube.

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Features included a rainbow laboratory where visitors explored the impact of colour on taste and our judgement of flavours, and an aromatic extravaganza where guests created unique flavour cocktails. All brands, no matter what size, can use promotional events to gain attention, deepen product understanding and build stronger relationships with their customers.

Think outside the box for maximum impact! Download our Complete Guide to Experiential Marketing to learn more about running impactful events for your brand. Eventbrite is a global ticketing and event technology platform, powering millions of live experiences each year.

We empower creators of events of all shapes and sizes — from music festivals, experiential yoga, political rallies to gaming competitions —— by providing them the tools and resources they need to seamlessly plan, promote, and produce live experiences around the world.

Home 12 Examples of Promotional Events to Build Your Brand. Event marketing. by Eventbrite 17th Feb UKTV Balloon Treasure Hunt UKTV launched its premium entertainment channel, W, with a balloon-based treasure hunt. Dogs Trust MicroChippy MicroChippy was an exclusive canine café pop-up, staged by Dogs Trust to raise awareness of the upcoming change in microchipping legislation.

Harris Tweed Exhibition Harris Tweed has teamed up with British photographer Ian Lawson to showcase its fabric in a new exhibition in Cumbria open until 15 May. Les Mills Fitness Party Global fitness brand Les Mills has partnered with Reebok to stage its biggest UK event to date at Excel London on 12 March.

Conclusion All brands, no matter what size, can use promotional events to gain attention, deepen product understanding and build stronger relationships with their customers. WAS THIS ARTICLE HELPFUL? SPREAD THE WORD. Link copied! about the author. You might also like these. How to Get Media Coverage for Your Event on a Budget.

Christmas Market Stall Ideas to Promote at Festival Events.

Hearing from an industry Sample promotion events or even an influencer who works Sample pack delivery your Sample promotion events can Sample promotion events an promoyion opportunity promohion your potential Value restaurant specials and in turn help you increase Sampls sales. Even if time eventss short you need to know where your time and energy are best focused, rather than flapping and randomly trying things out. Donate some tickets to increase awareness and brand loyalty to organizations you wish to partner with Giving free tickets to organizations you want to partner with can generate amazing results. July 3, Announce the event and share the basic details like name, location, short description, date, time, and price. Event Promotion Ideas August 9, By Craig Heron. The 25 Best Event Venues in San Francisco. 12 Examples of Promotional Events to Build Your Brand


Events Company Video Teaser

Sample promotion events - 13 Event Promotion Ideas · Optimize your event registration website · Offer early bird discounts · Leverage social media · Use ad These 15 sales promotion examples offer super-effective ideas to increase sales, raise brand awareness and encourage repeat business! 6 event promotion examples to increase registrations · 1. Leverage gamification to increase attendance · 2. Host exclusive events for registered Get inspired by various examples to promote your next event on social media, including pre-event, during the event and after-event posts

See, for example, the matchday social media carousel from our client Hertha BSC football club below. In the first slide, the club gives a quick overview of the lineup, followed by a video that introduces the players one-by-one, in a dynamic visual format to drive excitement. A post shared by Hertha BSC herthabsc.

In your event lineup posts, you can choose to give an overview of your full agenda or to spotlight a single speaker and their achievements, such as in the examples below. We recommend that you tag the speakers featured in your posts, especially on LinkedIn, to increase engagement.

A post shared by Women in CX WiCX womxnincx. In addition to introducing the lineup, you can heighten excitement by disclosing more details about your event as the date approaches. In the below pre-event social media post examples, both conference organizers chose to reveal the venue ahead of time.

Almost done 💪 🟦🔴 We are in a good way to be ready for tomorrow DMEXCO What do you think? BehindTheScenes BTS Cologne pic. A great way to lay out this information visually could be via a social media carousel, or with an infographic or short video, such as in the following summit and conference post examples.

This October, discover everything you need to succeed in the 🌎 of accounting and finance. Reach a wider audience by tapping into the social media networks of your guests, speakers, sponsors, and other event partners.

In the first example below, the event organizer created a custom video to announce each conference sponsor. Great to be attending AdWorld this week. Did you know? Our content distribution solution allows you to quickly and easily share your branded content with your network of partners, via a dedicated app or link sharing.

Learn how Content Stadium SHARE works, and how you could benefit. People often have a strong sense of wanting to be part of something, and therefore fear being left out FOMO.

Here, you can also use videos with quick cuts or large fonts to increase urgency. If your event sells out ahead of time, make sure to shout about it on social media!

Guess what? We are thrilled to report that our upcoming A Night of Raising Hope Gala is sold out! Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket. soldoutevent gala pic. A post shared by Marketing Week marketingweeked.

Help your attendees get ready for the day and get the most out of your event by sharing a pre-event checklist on social media. See the below pre-event post example for some ideas. Create a buzz on social media on the day of your event by posting about the different talks, shows and activities as they happen.

This will help you increase awareness for your event and brand, which in turn can help you attract last-minute attendees or drive interest for your next event. You can also use social media to take your audience backstage and share exclusive behind-the-scenes insights to engage both attendees and non-attendees alike.

See more on-the-day event, conference, fair and trade show social media post ideas below. Give your audience an insight into your event by posting photos and videos in real-time on social media. Stories are a great medium for this, as they are designed for timely and less polished content.

See how FC Utrecht adds branding to their real-time Stories below. In addition, Stories allow you to add interactive stickers, to keep your audience engaged, such as in the NYFW Instagram example click the image to watch the full highlight.

Our mobile app for real-time content creation allows you to add branded frames, stickers and fonts to your photos and videos, straight from your phone such as in the FC Utrecht example above.

Great for covering live events on social media, while increasing brand awareness. Learn how Content Stadium LIVE works.

You can, of course, do the same via your other social media channels, posting videos, photos and eye-catching graphics as your event unfolds. The Show Floor is booming this morning. If your event features talks and presentations, add value to your followers by sharing the key quotes and takeaways on your social media channels.

You can simply type out the quote, such as in the Twitter event post below, or capture it on video and share it as a short clip, just like in the second example.

We are all biased. We are. This content may also encourage people who have not yet joined to attend the remaining day s of the event after all. Photo albums and fun video compilations are a great way to share these event highlights. Even after your event is over, you can still fill your social media calendar with different post-event content.

Bring value to your audience by summarizing the key learnings from your event. Continue to engage your attendees with event follow-up content. And give people who did not join a closer look at what went on, to convince them to do so next time. Take a look at the after-event social media examples below for more best practices.

Summarize your event in one post with a video or photo compilation of the highlights. This is also a great way to promote the recording of your event if available for those who were not able to attend, as seen in the Twitter example below.

Check out the EventRecap in case you missed the main event! After the event, hand the mic over to your attendees and let them explain why they enjoyed your event in their own words.

Hearing about the benefits from other attendees is always more relatable and convincing for potential future attendees. Continue to engage your attendees after the event on social media by asking them about their experience. People love to share their opinion, and at the same time you can action the feedback to improve your next event.

You can ask open questions for more in-depth feedback, or use social media polls to gather quick input, such as in this convention post example. Events cannot take place without the support of sponsors, partners, speakers, staff, and the attendees themselves.

See some post-event thank you examples below. A post shared by DMEXCO dmexco. Another way to reuse and recycle the content of your event is by publishing blog posts around the key takeaways. These allow you to go into more detail about the event. You can then share these articles as a link on social media, such as in the following after-event social media post examples.

In the first example, the conference organizer summarized a single talk into a blog post. While in the second, they rounded up the main event highlights into a LinkedIn article, including an overview of the number of guests, the biggest event moments and key quotes from the presentations.

Do you need to create a lot of content to promote your event s on social media? Skip having to wait on a designer, or navigating clunky PSD or Canva templates. Create high-quality, branded images and videos yourself, in a few clicks, with our custom templates. Each template is designed and built just for you, which makes your content creation process super-efficient and your content always on-brand.

Join clients such as Lidl, PwC, SEPHORA, Eurosport and Transfermarkt , who use our content creation platform to simplify their social media processes, lock in brand consistency, and level up their content.

Discover how they do it. Simplify, scale up, and professionalize your visual content creation process with Content Stadium. All rights reserved. Privacy policy Terms. Get inspired by various examples to promote your next conference, fair, trade show or other event on social media.

Gina Chamaa. Last updated on. October 25, Use platforms like Instagram or Facebook to showcase live event preparations, interviews with speakers, or venue tours.

Or, start a challenge on TikTok or Instagram, encouraging users to recreate a specific dance or scene related to your event and offering free tickets to the most creative entries. You can also create pre-event podcast episodes featuring event speakers, vendors, sponsors, and exhibitors.

Then, parlay recorded sessions from your event to use in the promotion of future events or as part of your day marketing strategy. Use tools like Typeform or Google Forms to gather input on topics, speakers, or activities attendees want to see.

If a prospect clicks on the event registration link but still needs to complete the process, send them a personalized follow-up email within 48 hours highlighting the benefits of attending. Duplicate most of the content in the original email, but change up the intro and subject lines to ensure the reader knows that you saw them engaging and want them to follow through.

Host mini versions of your event in unexpected locations, like parks or subway stations, to generate buzz and register people on the spot. Create competition among your sales or marketing teams by rewarding those who drive the most registrations.

Set up Slack channels and a leaderboard so everyone can see whose UTM links drive the most registrations. A great incentive for this type of campaign is a day off or half-day off. Ensure your speaker lineup represents a mix of genders, ethnicities, and professional backgrounds to appeal to a broader audience.

The more your attendees see themselves in your lineup during event promotion, the more likely they are to register. Send out VR headsets to key attendees, allowing them to experience a virtual tour of the event venue or a teaser of the main event.

Or, design posters that come to life when scanned with an AR app, showcasing event highlights or speaker introductions. Deploy a chatbot on your event website or social media platforms that instantly answers attendee queries and offers personalized event recommendations.

The faster a potential registrant answers their question, the faster that person becomes an attendee. You can get creative with your marketing ideas for events depending on where your gathering will be and the theme or goal. For example, set up a mural or art piece in a public space where passersby can contribute, all while promoting the event.

Okay, we have another very outside-the-box promotion idea that requires a bit of budget, creativity, and planning — but the outcome could be an attendee who turns into a customer or event evangelist.

By leveraging these marketing ideas for events and thinking outside the box, organizers can ensure their event not only garners attention but also delivers a memorable experience for attendees. Remember, the key to successful event promotion lies in understanding your audience, being innovative, and continuously adapting to the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

Sponsor dollars got you down?! Search for:. Table of Contents What is event promotion? Outside-the-box Event Promotion Ideas and Examples Make Event Promotion Meaningful: Get To Know Your Attendees.

Explore Blogs. Trending on Bizzabo. The Top US and Canadian Event Management Agencies for Everything You Need to Know About Event Scheduling Software. The 25 Best Event Venues in San Francisco.

Follow Us. Event Marketing. Chaviva Gordon-Bennett. What is event promotion? Outside-the-box Event Promotion Ideas and Examples How do you ensure your next event shines bright and reaches its registration goals?

Promote continuing education and other certifications Highlight the opportunity for attendees to earn professional development credits or certifications by attending specific sessions.

Send Personalized Video Invitations Use platforms like Cameo to have celebrities or influencers send personalized video invites to key invitees like customers, high-value leads, and others.

Ship Prospective Attendees Edible Invitations Want to create a real, lasting impression? Create Exclusive Pre-event Networking Communities Set up a private Facebook group or Slack channel for registrants to connect, discuss topics, and share their excitement before the event.

Leverage Past Event Content for Sizzle Reels and Buy-in Materials Use clips from previous events, testimonials, and highlights to create a compelling video that showcases the value of attending. Tap Industry Influencers and Event Speakers To Promote the Event Collaborate with industry influencers to share event details on their social media platforms or blogs, amplifying reach.

Offer Segmented Discounts and Promotions Provide early bird discounts for the first registrants or special offers for returning attendees.

Livestream Event Prep and Behind-the-scenes Content Use platforms like Instagram or Facebook to showcase live event preparations, interviews with speakers, or venue tours. So we did some webinars pre-show for them.

We also had some guided tours for them on the first morning. And we have a page on our website now dedicated to first-time attendees to give them a bit of an idea of how to prepare. Carina Bauer. The Top US and Canadian Event Management Agencies for Check out this comprehensive list of more than of the top event agencies in the US and Canada that work with live and virtual events.

By Dugrel

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