Exciting sample offers

What this popup does well: Great design: stylish font and color choices. The offer is large and grabs attention. What this popup does well: Bright, complimentary color choices including the red arrow which draws eyes down to the CTA.

The CTA button text creates a subtle sense of urgency. A variant without a background picture could drive more attention to the special offer. What this popup does well: It has a brilliant, playful design. It does double-duty of building the email subscriber list while encouraging shoppers to buy.

Unique offer: this popup allows visitors to order a trial product with a discount, which can lead to future orders. This could ultimately hurt the conversion rate and performance of the popup if visitors are redeeming the code without opting in. What this popup does well: It looks modern and clean.

The CTA button stands out and has a clear message. The simplicity of the single-field opt-in is great for collecting email addresses. The first line of text could be uppercase for consistency. What this popup does well: Bright, modern design with great colors and fonts.

The company logo fits nicely in the design. The CTA button is clear and bold. Removing the background picture could draw more attention to the offer. Limited-time discounts.

The countdown timer creates urgency. Excellent color choice for the CTA button. The pop of red makes visitors want to click it. What this popup does well: Ensures that visitors only see the best offers in the store.

Their limited-time offer creates FOMO. Simple, clean design the light and dark contrast makes it easy to read. The text could hint at the benefits or specifics of the offers to increase curiosity and clicks.

What this popup does well: The bright color scheme forces visitors to pay attention to the offer. Their bold offer is easy to understand. The countdown timer nudges visitors to act ASAP. Check out these seasonal discount popups below. Popups like these, which incorporate games of chance, can be irresistible.

They could experiment with the size and positioning of the copy. The company logo at the top of the popup is hard to see against the dark background color.

The CTA stands out wonderfully by using a contrasting color. Product recommendation popups. What this popup does well: Intelligent product recommendations are an excellent personalization technique. It offers three relevant products to the customer, creating a sense of choice without triggering analysis paralysis.

The attention-grabbing header text hooks more visitors. What this popup does well: It uses a vibrant, on-brand color scheme. It recommends a specific product, making the popup seem more personal.

The tone is clear, welcoming, and helpful. They could experiment with popup and image sizing. They could make the X button easier to find with a circle around it or a more noticeable color.

Try these product recommendation popup templates:. Trigger popups based on visitor behavior Think about the user experience when it comes to presenting your discount codes.

Personalize your popup message When it comes to discount popups, relevancy is extremely important. That means: Use simple language and separate your message into brief, punchy statements instead of sentences or paragraphs.

Remove unnecessary images or anything that could distract visitors. Create a clear CTA button that grabs attention. Here are some handy tips to consider when ordering free samples:. For the past decade, Jin Rhee has been a content writer with expertise in comedy, sports, and technology.

Besides finding the best deals, Jin Rhee enjoys keeping up with the latest current events and the ongoing NBA bubble. Get all the latest deal news and sales info sent directly to your inbox from Slickdeals.

JR by Jin Rhee November 17, Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Email Share Advertiser Disclosure: At Slickdeals, we work hard to find the best deals.

My Free Product Samples. Related Article. Getting the Most From Amazon's No-Rush Shipping Rewards Read More. I Love Free Things. Free Stuff. Internet Steals and Deals. How To Search Amazon Discounts By Percent Off Read More.

Sweet Free Stuff. Daily Goodie Box. That adds value to the offer. This phrase is worth testing on your own limited-time offers. Your offer should highlight only those points that will get your audience to act, like the benefit and the deadline.

Just keep your limited-time offer wording simple. Sure, they want the deal, but are they willing to jump through hoops or try to understand your system in order to get it? Start by designing a simple offer, and then write the offer in the simplest terms you can. Make it easy for people to take advantage of your offer without too much effort on their part.

For example, limited-time offers coupled with limited inventory drives huge interest. Furthermore, this degrades the credibility of future offers. The same goes for the timing of your offer.

If you say your offer ends at midnight, it should end at midnight. You also have to be honest when differentiating your offer from previous ones. Likewise, if you say everything is on sale, then everything better be on sale.

Many will abandon your site altogether. American Eagle made this grave mistake one holiday season. Second, their offer date is defined. This deal on body cream is only available today.

Holy cow! You better buy these now! Third, they have an action-based CTA. Fourth, their discount wording is simple and brief. Today, you can get a deal on select body creams.

You will win at gift-giving. The end. And finally, they are honest. They tell you right up front that only select body creams are on sale and you can only buy 15 at a time. They also let you know that you have to show an email to get the deal in stores, which probably means you have to sign up for their email list.

This is a pretty good template for your limited-time special offer. Limited-time offers are a smart marketing move. Use the tips above to write limited-time offer copy that will convince customers to act fast, without losing their trust or long-term loyalty.

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Companies offer free samples in various industries as marketing. Obtaining samples involves online sign-ups or joining programs. Some offers include coupons or Getting free samples you'll actually love is easy! Create an account. Tell us about yourself so we can tailor the perfect samples and offers for you. Sign up Who doesn't love a good deal? Ramp up your sales with these 26 examples of sales promotions for inspiration

Exciting sample offers - We send you FREE bigumbrella.site tell us what you think. BECOME A PINCHer. How PINCHme Works. Get your free samples and exclusive offers in 4 easy steps Companies offer free samples in various industries as marketing. Obtaining samples involves online sign-ups or joining programs. Some offers include coupons or Getting free samples you'll actually love is easy! Create an account. Tell us about yourself so we can tailor the perfect samples and offers for you. Sign up Who doesn't love a good deal? Ramp up your sales with these 26 examples of sales promotions for inspiration

And if you know of something you think should be added here, let us know! We personally test everything before sharing it.

Feel free to take a look at our FAQs for more info on this. Speaking of freebies, download our free Hip2Save app to save big while on-the-go! Want to take advantage of some super legit freebies right now?!

Here ya go We're sharing 12 legit companies that will mail you completely free products to test and keep! PINCHme One of our favorite sites that regularly offers up free samples is PINCHme!

There are no surveys to take or hoops to jump through—these are legit samples that will show up in your mailbox. Just sign up for a free account, fill out your profile, take the shopper survey, and then check back on sample Tuesdays to claim your freebies.

Sign up for a free PINCHme account here! Sign up for a free SampleSource account here! Sign up for a free Social Nature account here!

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Sign up for a free PTPA account here! Think about the user experience when it comes to presenting your discount codes. Rather than triggering your popup immediately as soon as someone lands on your site, give new visitors some time to breathe and browse. This speaks to the importance of behaviorally triggered popups, which are shown based on pre-set criteria that you choose.

For example, you can choose to trigger popups based on how long someone spends on your site or how far they scrolled down on a page. You can even trigger your discount popup to appear when someone is about to leave your site. When it comes to discount popups, relevancy is extremely important.

Make sure to present your discount code to online shoppers who are ready to make a purchase and just need a final nudge. Another way to make your popups more relevant is by personalizing the messaging, as it works brilliantly.

This can be done based on many factors, like interest:. Learn how you can customize your popups based on interest 💡. You can also personalize your sales promotion popup based on traffic source:. Learn how you can display personalized offers based on traffic source 💡.

This means no more manual work and a significant reduction in the time and effort traditionally associated with crafting personalized content. If nothing else, gamified popups are fun and out of the ordinary.

Remember, your popups should be easy to understand at a glance. We get it: you want to collect as much information on your leads and prospects as possible. But asking for too much can hurt your chances of winning a customer. Consider this: most people are shopping on their mobile devices. Any sales popup on your site needs to match the branding on your site.

This includes your logo, color scheme, terminology , and brand voice. Popups should feel like a seamless part of your website, not an in-your-face interruption.

Thankfully, putting together stylish, branded popups can be a cinch thanks to tools like OptiMonk. You can adapt your discount popups based on your unique branding and messaging in no time. Start by browsing our Template Library with hundreds of templates to choose from, then customize to match your brand!

Popup promotions are a powerful way for ecommerce brands to drive sales and build brand loyalty. Hopefully, the discount popup examples in this article have inspired you to create your own so you can start scoring more sales! Create a free account today and follow the examples above! Skip to content.

What is OptiMonk? Build your list Increase sign-up rates from single to double digits. Increase sales Help visitors shop and boost ecommerce revenue.

Grow AOV Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with proven tactics. Stop abandonment Explore powerful strategies to win back lost sales.

BY TYPE. BY GOAL. BY BUSINESS PROFILE. ON DEMAND. Free shipping popups. What this popup does well: The countdown timer creates a sense of urgency, pushing visitors to act now rather than later.

It has a simple but effective color scheme. The black and white contrast makes the popup design striking and easy to read. They could consider alternatives to the unique selling proposition.

What this popup does well: Again, a countdown timer is a fantastic way to generate urgency and action. The popup manages to present multiple offers free shipping and a discount without overwhelming visitors. It has a great message to reduce cart abandonment and prevent skeptical shoppers from bouncing.

The countdown timer details could pop a bit more with larger text or a contrasting color scheme. The same goes for the call-to-action button. A contrasting color could make it stand out more.

It opposes the main concept of Limited Time Offer. In that case, you can trigger a sense of urgency by including strict deadlines in your campaign. As when you allow your audience time to think, they'll delay in making a decision. And if this delay takes a long time they might not make a purchase at all!

They included a particular date on the campaign so people can feel the urgency to make quick decision. Take an example from Victoria's Secret. Also, you can introduce a ticking clock to count down the minutes and seconds to the deadline. It'll really ratchet up the tension and encourage visitors to take quick decisions.

It becomes a tradition for eCommerce shop owners to offer special discounts on big days. Because this is the time when people are more likely to buy gifts for their beloved ones or themselves.

However, these orders are time-sensitive and need to arrive by a particular date. You can grab the chance and run effective promotions for special occasions by reminding them of the delivery deadline. The Blue Nile, a renowned jewelry company gives a strict deadline for product delivery at Christmas.

So people can feel the urgency for Christmas shopping with the assurance to get the products on time. Holidays' offers are not anymore limited to only Black Friday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year. Now online sellers also provide special discounts on Women's Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, etc.

as well. Take another example from Pampers. They offer their target customers Mother's Day coupons they can redeem at partner stores. In addition, you can offer free gift-wrapping or the option to attach a special note with the gifts.

It adds a sentimental value to the recipient and influences them to purchase in your shop. A common psychological phenomenon of humans is they value more those things that are less available to them. You can imply this tactic for your limited-time promotions. Instead of showing the total stock of a product, you can focus your customers' attention on the remaining quantity of that product.

The closer the number gets to 0, their the urgency grows higher. Applying this strategy ensures that buyers not only act fast but remain interested in your product even when it's not available. So that customers can feel the urgency to add the item to their carts.

Sparkfun Electronics uses the same approach on their cart page to decrease the cart abandon rate:. However, you can also notify people about limited stock availability through emails and inform them again when items return in stock.

Let's forward to the next step of how to write a discount offer that can reduce the eCommerce cart abandonment rate.

According to Optimizely, Kapost runs an experiment with their calls to action. So, your call to action must provide any benefit to your buyers. That also adds value to the offer. Having an attractive offer is not enough to drive sales, buyers must aware of the deals.

A great way to make your customers informed about your promotion is through pop-ups. Pop-ups work effectively to encourage website visitors to stay on your page. Moreover, if it contains some interesting deals people are more likely to read it and act instantly. But remember overuse of pop-ups can annoy your buyers and drive them away.

So, use them to display offers that seem beneficial to the users. It's worthless to compact your offer with so many things. Just highlight the points that can convert and make people act fast.


How to Use Free Samples as a Marketing Tactic

Exciting sample offers - We send you FREE bigumbrella.site tell us what you think. BECOME A PINCHer. How PINCHme Works. Get your free samples and exclusive offers in 4 easy steps Companies offer free samples in various industries as marketing. Obtaining samples involves online sign-ups or joining programs. Some offers include coupons or Getting free samples you'll actually love is easy! Create an account. Tell us about yourself so we can tailor the perfect samples and offers for you. Sign up Who doesn't love a good deal? Ramp up your sales with these 26 examples of sales promotions for inspiration

Limited-time offers are also closely related to limited-quantity offers. Understanding the psychological triggers can help you develop your own winning limited-time offers. Limited-time offers and limited quantities both play with the idea of scarcity. Studies have found that scarcity is one of the biggest influences on purchase decisions, so making your products seem scarce through limited-time offers is a great way to tip the scales from interest only—to the more serious intention to buy.

However, shoppers are also very sensitive to cost. Even loyal customers love time-limited sales. In the best of cases, clever timing can get customers into the habit of buying from your store regularly. People respond very well to exclusive offers because they feel like they are one of the privileged few who get access to the deal.

In addition, this is one of the effective methods of lead nurturing. One of the less intuitive ways that time-limited deals can boost sales is through stopping cart abandonment.

This is because a time-sensitive offer encourages customers to take immediate action—leading people to move their mouse away from the exit button and towards the checkout process. This means more sales for your business. Here are some ways that you can apply these powerful tools to your business:.

Free shipping is an incredibly powerful incentive for encouraging new and existing customers to make a purchase. For example, 1 Body uses an exit-intent popup that offers free shipping specifically when customers are about to abandon their carts.

You would only take on the added expense of offering free shipping at the time that a customer needs a final push to make the decision and complete a purchase. This would not affect customers who want to move directly to the checkout page.

The fifteen-minute countdown clock also leads to more sales by establishing a very limited period of time that the offer is valid for. Sending out free samples and products also helps with customer retention.

People feel valued and like the opportunity to try out products that they may end up loving and then decide to buy in the future. The addition of a countdown timer is a great way to get customers to act fast.

The sight of a timer ticking down, second by second, is one of the best psychological triggers that can be used to create a sense of urgency. Seasonal sales are a natural place to use limited-time offers to boost sales because they have a built-in expiration date.

The Halloween Giveaway in the example below is over once the calendar passes October 31st. When you consider the huge interest that customers have during certain holidays Christmas and Black Friday —the two biggest , you can see why seasonal sales can generate tons of revenue.

The lead-up to a limited-time sale is a great opportunity to build strong email and SMS lists. The fact that the upcoming sale will be for a short period of time, means that prospective customers will plan ahead for it.

Here are some effective templates that can help you clear out the inventory you want to sell. You can use them to display your most exciting limited-edition products. Online store owners are always confronting the problem of high bounce rates and not enough first-time visitors entering their sales funnel.

Limited-time offers for first purchases are a great way to ensure that more visitors make it from your landing page to your checkout process. You can also take advantage of your limited-time promotion by getting visitors to join your email list. That way, you can send them future offers as well.

Pro Tip: Always use a branded business email address like john yourbrand. com to share these promotional offers with your email lists. So that your email does not end up in a spam folder, you also get higher open rates.

Choose to run your campaign from any time period, ranging from just a few hours to a full hour period. Best Buy became famous for their daily deals because they showcase a large discount on a different product each day.

Sticky bars are a great tool for promoting your limited-time offers across your entire site. If you want more customers to make it all the way through your conversion funnel, a limited-time offer is one of the best ways to guide them along.

Why not try out one of the limited-time offer popup templates on your site and drive sales now? Skip to content. What is OptiMonk?

Build your list Increase sign-up rates from single to double digits. Increase sales Help visitors shop and boost ecommerce revenue. Grow AOV Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with proven tactics. Stop abandonment Explore powerful strategies to win back lost sales.

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No strings attached. Get hundreds of legitimate free samples of products from brand name companies. Free shipping. You can order free samples of makeup, food, pet products, cleaning supplies, and much more. New Free Samples from Sampler. Teachers - Free Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures Kit.

Free Maille Dijon Mustard Products. Free Good Culture Probiotic Milk. Free Love Scent Pheromone Samples. Free American Spirit Butt Pouches. You may also like:. About Free Samples. Companies offer free samples to consumers to introduce them to the latest and greatest from their product lines.

Free samples are typically smaller versions of a full-sized product but can sometimes be full-sized as well. Free samples are great to have for when you travel, to keep in your purse or start a free sample drawer or bin in your home and wait to use them for whenever you need!

Check out our guide on How to Get Free Samples. Expert Tips for Getting Free Samples. It's easy to get free samples mailed to you every week. Below are my tips for getting started today.

Tip 1: Use a Separate Email Account Almost every free sample offer requires you to include your email address, so having a separate email address you use strictly for this purpose will allow you to easily keep track of the items you've signed up for and to help keep them separate from your personal emails.

All free samples have a limited amount available, so they can sometimes go very quickly. To make sure you don't miss out on some of the most coveted free samples out there you'll definitely want to keep checking each day and sign up as quickly as possible.

Tip 3: Be First to Know with Free Sample Alerts Popular free samples can run out fast so getting alerts is your best chance at scoring these super popular samples. Sign up to receive email and text alerts when new samples are available.

Join the MySavings email list and you'll be sent every sample we have posted in the past 24 hours. Sign up for our MySavings Telegram Channel for instant alerts sent right to your phone or computer so you never miss out.

Tip 4: Connect and Share With Others Join the exclusive MySavings Facebook Group and Facebook Page for more couponing tips and to connect with other deal-savvy shoppers.

This is also a great way to let other free sample hunters know when you receive your samples in the mail. Follow us on Instagram for behind the scenes videos getting free samples in-store.

Free Samples Additional Information:. Types of Free Samples to Expect Almost every company offers a free sample by mail of their product at some point.

You can expect to request free samples of makeup, food, cleaning supplies, free perfume samples, medicine, pet food and more! Even better, getting these free samples is easy. You just need to give your name and address and your mailbox will soon be full of all kinds of free samples!

You can also score a ton of Free Birthday Stuff like clothes, food and more at no-cost to you. Free Samples on Social Media As the internet evolves, so does the world of free samples. In recent years I've been seeing more and more free samples offered on social media.

They usually show up as an ad in your newsfeed and only require you to click a button and fill in a form with your mailing info.

Interact with the brand by liking and commenting on at least 10 different posts on their pages. Search for the brand and product in Google and scroll down through the results. Then just keep a close eye on your newsfeed when you're scrolling through your social media and you'll start seeing the ads for free samples.

Free Sample Boxes Some of the best free samples out there are from free sample boxes.

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How To Write a Discount Offer that Converts with Real-life Examples

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