Experiential Sampling Events

Picture perfect! Our sampling tour perfectly complimented the simultaneously high-end but casual vibes of the Kentucky Derby among other stops. We take fun seriously around here! Guests were encouraged to grab a Claw and have a good time.

Light drizzle aside, guests were certainly refreshed due to White Claw samples, and kept dry by branded rain ponchos.

The Kentucky Derby kicked off the Summer Sampling Tour. White Claw's emphasis on a refreshing drink was clearly displayed by the 10, taste-tests provided. The samples translated to over 1, cans sold on-site. mike's HARDER went on a pop-up tour across the country with BeCore in , creating a one-of-a-kind lounge area at a multitude of festivals.

Within the outdoor space, guests could engage with samples of HARDER, a mechanical shark, and Instagramable backdrops, all while enjoying music. Guests had the chance to enjoy live music at the HARDER hang out lounge, not missing a beat during the festival. Between mike's HARDER's twelve, incredible flavors and a huge, mechanical shark, guests were encouraged to try something new the whole event.

Anyone who posted on social media with the hashtag chooseharder was awarded branded swag; easy to do with so many photo ops!

The lounge featured a mechanical shark in the middle of the relaxation lounge, where guests could try samples and then go for a spin. The lounge had something for everyone, including branded swag, photo opportunities, and areas to enjoy music, as shown by the over , guests.

Stillhouse, a relatively new whiskey brand, went on the Tailgate Tour. Equipped with a BeCore-designed, 24 foot-long vehicle, the company visited top college football rivalry games across the country.

The stops included photo activations, Snapchat filters, bars, games, live DJs, and local catering in order to formulate a full tailgate experience. Stillhouse's brand stands for breaking the rules about where whiskey can go, exploring new flavors, new cocktails mixes, and new tailgates!

Here, try this! Stillhouse Ambassadors made sure everyone got to try their six incredible flavors of whiskey. The gang's all here! Far and wide, Stillhouse was shared amongst attendees and social media, gaining incredible popularity amongst fans.

The Tailgate Tour was specifically catered to each individual rivalry game, including mascots that guests could take pictures with at their team's stop. The best way to show your team spirit?

Social media! Our tailgate tour amassed 6. While times have certainly changed recently, our innate desire for human connection has not.

In recent years, live experiences have benefited greatly by implementing digital extensions. Click here to drop us a line. Sampling Tours. Our Perspective on Sampling Tours.

Start A New Project. Sampling strategies include interval-contingent sampling participants provide responses at pre-determined times , signal-contingent sampling participants are notified via beeper, text message, etc.

at fixed or random intervals when it is time to provide responses , and event-contingent sampling participants provide responses upon the occurrence of a pre-determined event. Are you inside?

Over the course of a week, or two weeks, or whatever the time period is, you get several or many data points. They are self-reported, so the individual reports them, but then you can look at them as a researcher or a clinician, and also you can look at them with the individual — or the individual themselves can look at them.

So the client could keep a running track of how many times they are using their voice therapy techniques, or an individual with a head injury might be looking at keeping track of how many times are you using metacognitive strategies.

The method itself has been used across a wide variety of disciplines, from academia, measuring engagement from students in grade school, middle school, high school, college.

In business, in terms of employee morale, employee satisfaction. I think one of the challenges is gathering the data itself. Now, technology has certainly made that much easier.

There are apps, there are ways to program smartphones, sending text messages, programming — those kinds of things make that much easier. So what several of us might think of as, hey this is great, we just put the app right on your phone, others find that still very cumbersome and would rather have a digital watch that just beeps.

So finding the right fit of the data gathering tools is important. The other challenge is that you get a lot of data points. That also creates challenges, though, in terms of more data points means more data to analyze and to gather.

Often it requires, and is more and more requiring HLM, or hierarchical linear modeling, which is a fairly complex statistical method that not a tremendous amount of people do.

So that may scare some people away. A couple things that surprised me. One was, I was really excited about the ability to incorporate this fairly seamlessly into mobile technologies.

I thought that was going to take care of a lot of the problems that have been reported in the literature more historically. Like I mentioned earlier, I was surprised by the number of people that felt like, yeah carrying a phone or an iPod really was a burden.

It was certainly an oversight on my part, in the sense that — it made sense after we talked about it. Some of that was just ego-centrism.

Some people are not like that. That was surprising. The amount of compliance — so, how often does somebody answer the responses.

We found people to be very dedicated to that, and to be very vested in the process. Even the idea, I wondered, do people find this intrusive, and is it a barrier, and does that become a problem. A lot of the literature talks about going for about the course of week. So the study that I ran, we did it for a week.

That seemed to be about right. I was little but surprised at how vested people were in it. And there are drawbacks to it.

There are issues that people who do tend to use it more accurately or more consistently are probably more vested in whatever the behavior is.

Usually you start out pretty well, and then things start to fade a little bit. But those ideas are also powerful in terms of the application of this.

While there are certainly flaws, I think that one of the takeaways is that there is a real potential not just for data gathering, but for utility for the clinician and the client relationship. Takeaway two would be that it can be high tech or low tech. You can make it as complicated or as simple as you can.

And you can make it as complex — you can design computer programs to page and to sample and all these kinds of things. You really can vary the complexity.

I think the third thing would be to not be scared off by the statistics. There are some challenges in ESM, in experience sampling method, with that. So, there are times where higher-level complex statistics are needed. They are very necessary so we are not drawing false conclusions.

There are other times though where descriptives are important and valuable. You have really rich discussions looking at that data or that information over the last week or two.

Conner, T. Experience sampling and ecological momentary assessment with mobile phones. Fitzgerald-Dejean, D.

Event sampling methodology (ESM) refers to a diary study. ESM is also known as ecological momentary assessment (EMA) or experience sampling methodology The experience sampling method (ESM), also referred to as a daily diary method, or ecological momentary assessment (EMA), is an intensive longitudinal research MRA is a custom provider of unique event vehicles for consumer events. We activate branded sampling and pop-up retail tours. MRA can managing all apects of


Starting an Experience Sampling Study Part 1: Introduction Evenhs on Ethnic food discounts. How to Smapling a Brand Character for Your Company. Services People About Us Resources Careers Let's Talk. IZA Discussion Paper No. Three, it is relatively cost-effective when you think about the ROI it will bring. Retrieved Sampling Tours.

By Kataxe

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